Entre la extensa gama de páginas de de contactos y para buscar pareja, existen algunas concretas solo para determinados colectivos. En un caso así vamos a hablar de una página de citas solo para mujeres que procuran a otras mujeres, tanto para conocerse y tener una relación ocasional o bien quien sabe, hallar el amor, y sobre todo conocer las opiniones que otros usuarios tienen de Lcontactos.


En este caso hablamos de Lcontactos, red social de contactos con lesbianas para conocer amigas homosexuales, chatear y hacer contactos 100% gratis, pensada para encontrar mujeres de todos los países de habla hispana. Entra, chatea, busca pareja y enamórate. Esta página de contactos lésbicos te ayudará a buscar relaciones con chicas de tu ciudad o de otras partes del planeta. Crea tu perfil ya y descubre esta magnífica comunidad de lesbianas, si buscas un lugar de ambiente «online» eres bienvenida. En esta comunidad se registran diariamente cientos de chicas lesbianas.

¿Qué ofrece Lcontactos?

Desde Lcontactos hacen sencilla la búsqueda de nuevas amigas, gente como tú que quiere ampliar su círculo de amistades y charlar de todo lo que no se puede en otras páginas de contactos. Dispone de un buscador por cercanía, mensajes y chat interno además de diferentes aplicaciones que van renovando ajustadas a los gustos de las chicas, como la posibilidad de hacer guiños, bloquear a otros usuarios, o incluso hacer invisible tu perfil para que no puedas ser visto por ningún usuario.

Los perfiles que se muestran en Lcontactos son bastante completos y ofrecen información donde se puede localizar, aparte del físico, sus gustos, personalidad, los hobbies y una serie de opciones que influirán en las visitas que después se llegarán a obtener. Por supuesto esto depende de en qué grado las usuarias en este caso hayan rellenado los perfiles.

Perfiles Lcontactos

Además permite poner etiquetas a la gente que chateas y visitas para poder ordenar los perfiles y distinguir entre cuales te han llamado más la atención. El precio de Lcontactos es totalmente gratis y sin cuotas mensuales. En este sitio web buscan la sencillez para que encuentres pareja rápidamente y no te ponen trabas para que tengas que pagar cuotas.

Lcontactos ofrece una estructura sencilla en la que destacan los perfiles en los que las imágenes quedan ocultas y sólo pueden ser vistas una vez registrados en la plataforma.

Lcontactos gratis

Como encontrar la pareja ideal en Lcontactos

Desde LContactos.com lanzan 4 pasos básicos para hallar la pareja ideal:

  • Registrarte y completar tu perfil con todos los gustos, aficiones y características propias.
  • Utilizar el servicio de «Azafata», la cual te ayudará en la búsqueda del amor. Es un servicio exclusivo de Lcontactos destinado a facilitar los contactos con otros perfiles dentro de la plataforma y que funciona.
  • El siguiente paso es empezar a hablar con otros perfiles y interesarte por aquellos que te hallan llamado la atención.
  • ¿Aún no sabes cual es? El momento más especial de todos: tener un encuentro y conocerse en persona será el punto más importante y en el que se resumirá todo el tiempo invertido: en el sabrás si ha merecido la pena realmente.

Opiniones Lcontactos: ¿ofrece más posibilidades?

En PaginasDating creemos que Lcontactos ofrece una serie de beneficios que están por encima de otras webs enfocadas al mismo público objetivo.

Algunos de los beneficios destacables de Lcontactos son:

  • A diferencia de otras páginas de contactos tus fotos quedan protegidas de los buscadores de Internet como Google, por lo tanto solo los miembros registrados en este web pueden verla. Esta página es exclusiva para mujeres que buscan mujeres.
  • Es un servicio sin coste y centrado en encontrar contactos con chicas lesbianas, por lo que las probabilidades de encontrar lo que buscas son mucho más elevadas que en una web de contactos convencional. Esto también es un inconveniente en parte ya que hay una gran cantidad de perfiles registrados que no presentan actividad y que son de baja calidad.

Puntos a mejorar que hemos detectado en Lcontactos:

  • Aunque tienen más de 200.000 chicas registradas, estas no son sólo de España sino que son de otros países, lo que supone un handicap a la hora de poder encontrar otros contactos.
  • Tampoco tiene muchas usuarias, algo de lo que se acostumbran a lamentar las mujeres que procuran en esta web. No obstante, como todas y cada una de las personas registradas procuran lo mismo, la probabilidad de localizar pareja o bien hacer amigad es alto.
  • Al realizar visitas a las fotografías de otros perfiles se contabilizan como una visita completa a su perfil, por lo que al contabilizarse como varias visitas puede denotar un cierto interés por la otra persona y llegar a confusión, ya que en realidad solo se ha realizado una única visita.
  • Carece de ciertas funciones básicas como buscar las últimas chicas registradas o un filtrado según nuestra zona, lo que dificulta la búsqueda.
  • Los mensajes tienen una limitación de extensión, y además no se dispone de un registro de los mensajes enviados y recibidos, por lo que cuando se van enviando nuevos mensajes los antiguos desaparecen. Esto sucede de igual forma en las conversaciones que se realizan a través del chat. También hemos visto que al recibir un mensaje o visita no se recibe ningúna notificación por correo ni ningún aviso.

Tras realizar todo el análisis destacan ciertos puntos de Lcontactos que la dejan por de bajo de otras webs de contactos. Investigando las opiniones de otras personas, nos confirman en nuestra valoración: aunque es una web centrada en el nicho y con muchas posibilidades, las oportunidades para encontrar pareja o conocer gente lesbiana en Lcontactos son similares a las de otras webs más amplias, en las que existe un mayor número de usuarios del mismo sexo, tanto para hombres como mujeres.

Precios - 15 %
Calidad - 5 %
Diseño - 5 %
Usabilidad - 10 %


Envíame un e-mail cuando alguien escriba una respuesta nueva a mi comentario

Envíame un e-mail cuando alguien deje un comentario nuevo


  1. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Delivery of your email messages.

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    En contra:
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  2. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - A new way of advertising.

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    A favor:
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    En contra:
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  3. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Partnership

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    A favor:
    Good day, I contacted you some days back seeking your cooperation in a matter regarding funds worth $24 Million, I urge you to get back to me through this email [email protected] if you’re interested. I await your response. Thanks, Mark Den

    En contra:
    Good day, I contacted you some days back seeking your cooperation in a matter regarding funds worth $24 Million, I urge you to get back to me through this email [email protected] if you’re interested. I await your response. Thanks, Mark Den

  4. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Hi

    Hello! How can I get to you ?

    A favor:
    Hello! How can I get to you ?

    En contra:
    Hello! How can I get to you ?

  5. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Delivery of your email messages.

    Hi! paginasdating.es We put up of the sale Sending your business proposition through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the contact section. Contact form are filled in by our software and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the probability that your message will be read. Our database contains more than 27 million sites around the world to which we can send your message. The cost of one million messages 49 USD FREE TEST mailing Up to 50,000 messages. This offer is created automatically. Use our contacts for communication. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

    A favor:
    Hi! paginasdating.es We put up of the sale Sending your business proposition through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the contact section. Contact form are filled in by our software and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the probability that your message will be read. Our database contains more than 27 million sites around the world to which we can send your message. The cost of one million messages 49 USD FREE TEST mailing Up to 50,000 messages. This offer is created automatically. Use our contacts for communication. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

    En contra:
    Hi! paginasdating.es We put up of the sale Sending your business proposition through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the contact section. Contact form are filled in by our software and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the probability that your message will be read. Our database contains more than 27 million sites around the world to which we can send your message. The cost of one million messages 49 USD FREE TEST mailing Up to 50,000 messages. This offer is created automatically. Use our contacts for communication. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

  6. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - A new method of email distribution.

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    A favor:
    Good day! paginasdating.es Do you know the simplest way to talk about your product or services? Sending messages exploitation feedback forms will enable you to simply enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails which will be sent through it will find yourself in the mailbox that's meant for such messages. Causing messages using Feedback forms is not blocked by mail systems, which suggests it's absolute to reach the recipient. You may be able to send your supply to potential customers who were antecedently inaccessible thanks to email filters. We offer you to check our service without charge. We will send up to 50,000 message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This offer is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

    En contra:
    Good day! paginasdating.es Do you know the simplest way to talk about your product or services? Sending messages exploitation feedback forms will enable you to simply enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails which will be sent through it will find yourself in the mailbox that's meant for such messages. Causing messages using Feedback forms is not blocked by mail systems, which suggests it's absolute to reach the recipient. You may be able to send your supply to potential customers who were antecedently inaccessible thanks to email filters. We offer you to check our service without charge. We will send up to 50,000 message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This offer is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

  7. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Mailing via the feedback form.

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    A favor:
    Hello! paginasdating.es Do you know the easiest way to state your product or services? Sending messages exploitation contact forms will permit you to simply enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails which will be sent through it'll find yourself in the mailbox that's intended for such messages. Sending messages using Feedback forms isn't blocked by mail systems, which means it is bound to reach the recipient. You will be able to send your provide to potential customers who were antecedently unobtainable due to email filters. We offer you to test our service for gratis. We will send up to fifty thousand message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This letter is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

    En contra:
    Hello! paginasdating.es Do you know the easiest way to state your product or services? Sending messages exploitation contact forms will permit you to simply enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails which will be sent through it'll find yourself in the mailbox that's intended for such messages. Sending messages using Feedback forms isn't blocked by mail systems, which means it is bound to reach the recipient. You will be able to send your provide to potential customers who were antecedently unobtainable due to email filters. We offer you to test our service for gratis. We will send up to fifty thousand message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This letter is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693 We only use chat.

  8. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Do you want cheap and innovative advertising for little money?

    Hi! paginasdating.es Do you know the easiest way to talk about your products or services? Sending messages through contact forms can permit you to easily enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails that may be sent through it'll end up in the mailbox that is intended for such messages. Causing messages using Contact forms is not blocked by mail systems, which implies it's absolute to reach the recipient. You may be able to send your offer to potential customers who were previously untouchable thanks to email filters. We offer you to test our service at no cost. We are going to send up to 50,000 message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This letter is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693

    A favor:
    Hi! paginasdating.es Do you know the easiest way to talk about your products or services? Sending messages through contact forms can permit you to easily enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails that may be sent through it'll end up in the mailbox that is intended for such messages. Causing messages using Contact forms is not blocked by mail systems, which implies it's absolute to reach the recipient. You may be able to send your offer to potential customers who were previously untouchable thanks to email filters. We offer you to test our service at no cost. We are going to send up to 50,000 message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This letter is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693

    En contra:
    Hi! paginasdating.es Do you know the easiest way to talk about your products or services? Sending messages through contact forms can permit you to easily enter the markets of any country (full geographical coverage for all countries of the world). The advantage of such a mailing is that the emails that may be sent through it'll end up in the mailbox that is intended for such messages. Causing messages using Contact forms is not blocked by mail systems, which implies it's absolute to reach the recipient. You may be able to send your offer to potential customers who were previously untouchable thanks to email filters. We offer you to test our service at no cost. We are going to send up to 50,000 message for you. The cost of sending one million messages is us $ 49. This letter is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us. Contact us. Telegram - @FeedbackMessages Skype live:contactform_18 WhatsApp - +375259112693

  9. Lcontactos, la red social para lesbianas - Oxfckpdou Fh

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    A favor:
    QGWJ6A0EWF0GE0JWXF www.google.com I have a small question for you

    En contra:
    QGWJ6A0EWF0GE0JWXF www.google.com I have a small question for you